The Sunterra Sun Run was a heartwarming event that brought together families, friends, and the Bower Community for a common cause. Hosted by the Bower Community Association under the bright rays of the sun, the event raised money to pay off the recent Bower Kin Hall kitchen renovation. Through registration fees, donations, and sponsorships, the Sunterra Sun Run raised $24,000 to complete the community hall kitchen reno.

Saturday May 11 found participants of all ages, from toddlers, to 92-year-old, Joan Johnstone, lace up their running shoes and hit the pavement, showcasing their dedication to making a positive impact. The DQ Bubble Run was a favorite event with over 150 kids between 1-5 years crossing the line under a gauntlet of bubbles- to be greeted with an edible sun medal.

Mayor Ken Johnston started the morning of recognizing close to 50 Rising Sport Stars for their commitment, passion, effort, or overcoming adversity to successfully participate and develop skills, regardless of result.

The atmosphere was filled with excitement and camaraderie as families cheered each other on, crossing the 3 and 5 km finish line together in a celebration of unity and support. Young athletes, Gabe Vanderleek, Wesley Welch and Bear Morgan sprinted across the 3 km finish line to take top spots and win the Totally Refreshed Steam and Spa gift baskets.

The Bo’s Bar and Stage After Party capped off the afternoon with two live bands belting out tunes in the bright sunshine. BrennenWowk, owner of Bo’s, donated 100% of the proceeds to the Bower Kin Hall. Kids played all afternoon on the Funhaus inflatables, Dome batting cage, Alair Homes boxed village, spin to win games and so much more!

As a continued commitment to Bower Community, from now until November 12, Sunterra Market will donate $1 for every full loaf of bread or 6 pack of buns sold to the Bower Place Community Association for further renovations. To participate ANYONE can simply include one of the aforementioned items in their transaction and notify a cashier at the time of checkout that they would like to support the BPCA.

Overall, the Sunterra Sun Run was more than just a running event; it was a testament to the power of community coming together.

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